Friday, July 19, 2013

Potty Breaks

One of the biggest questions that men have about women is: "Why do women go to the bathroom in groups?"

Do you really want the answer? Ok. Here it is.

I have no flipping idea... But I have some theories.

1) They are afraid of getting eaten by monsters/being accosted by creepers on their way to/from the bathroom. ~safety in numbers~
2) They need to gush about the hotties.
3) They need to bitch about the creepers.
4) They need somebody to hold their drink, coat, purse, hair, etc. while they use the toilet.
5) They're incapable of peeing in public alone. (I've never understood this one... Or how more than one person can fit inside a bathroom stall. Is it bigger-on-the-inside technology?! I mean, seriously! How does that work?!)
6) They need a look-out while they're behind the van in the alley. (This one actually makes sense to me. Just watch your shoes.)

There's probably more, but these are the ones I've been exposed to with my friends who drag me to the bathroom with them. 

They have been escalated to rule status with some girls. And the talking is not limited to the time spent outside of the stall. If you are stall neighbors, the conversation continues. Which is awesome when the stranger next to you is on the phone and you don't know it so you answer them and then there's an awkward moment later at the sink........

*shudder* Anywho.

Guys have two rules for bathroom time that I know of:

1) No eye contact.
2) No talking.

Now, I tend to go with the guy set of rules. I go alone and I try to not talk to anybody when I'm in the stall unless its unavoidable... But I can't disagree with these:

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