Saturday, June 22, 2013

As much as I love my boys....

There's nothing like spending time with my girl friends. 

This weekend, we are celebrating the wedding of my friend Kami and Matt and I get to have most of my college friends in one place for the first time in over 2 years. Aside for the fact that we are telling what's new in our lives, it's like no time has passed since graduating oh so many years ago.

Jamie, Amanda, Randi, Becky (Shortstack), and I (Kami not pictured as she was busy getting married)

Hanging out with the boys is fun and uncomplicated, but there's nothing like being with your best friends, bitching about those same uncomplicated boys like they're impossible puzzles. We are also not the kind of girls who just talk about guys (thank God). We tell crude jokes, make fun of each other, and make entirely too much noise... So it's kind of like hanging out with the guys.

Emily and I

Jessi and I

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hell Week

In the past few weeks, the boss man decided to hire three more females for our department, which is great, because they are rather awesome... But this is causing some problems for the guys.

Namely, what many of them are calling "Hell Week". 

That wonderful miracle of nature that causes women's cycles to sync when they spend a lot of time together. The guys are waiting for that wonderful week when all 6 of us are PMSing at the same time and they will duck and cover or head for the hills.

Of course the phrase "Sorry, it's just not natural for something to bleed for 5-7 days and not die" has already been heard a few times. The guys just need to put on they're big girl panties and deal with it. We have to put up with them when they PMS (and guys do! Look it up! There's 5-7 days a month where men's hormones shift and they have more estrogen than normal and it makes them crabby) and they are worse than us, by far!

All of us females are mature and know how to handle PMS, but we are also human. Once in a while, we might lose control and stab someone in a hormone induced rage (or in extreme cases: rip someone's head off), but that's no reason for the guys to be afraid. Is it?

Many of us are working to be proactive. One gal downloaded the iPeriod app on her phone, while I plan to beat my crabbiness into submission with Ibuprofen, chocolate, and wine.

We're chicks. We PMS. We bleed. We eat chocolate. 

We get over it.

You guys should, too.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Besties: An Ode to Doctor/Donna

We are constantly surrounded by guys and girls being friends in movies and books, and there are some awesome pairings out there that really tell you what it's really like to be best friends with somebody of the opposite sex: Harry and Sally (which ended in sex), Harry and Hermione (didn't end in sex), Mal and Zoe (didn't end in sex either), and Puffy and me (we're not in a movie or a book, but by God we're entertaining and one of my favorite mixed-sex friend pairs. Oh and no sex for us either, duh.) but my favorite has to be the 10th Doctor and Donna.

A little back story: The doctor had just lost Rose, the woman he loved. Martha walked away from him because she couldn't handle being friend-zoned by him. Donna was the friend who helped him get over both. 

She loved and respected him, but she had a great way of keeping him grounded and reminding him that while he might be the only person who can save the world, he's not the most important person in the universe. She made him laugh, saved his ass more than once, and when something bad happened asked "what are WE gong to do" not what was HE going to do. She was also the only companion who wasn't head-over-heels for the Doctor.

Their friendship wasn't a one way street either. He tried to show her new things but let her decide her way. He also was constantly trying to get her to see her own worth when she doubted herself (which was almost always). He loved her and appreciated her for what she was.

(The link above has some fun Doctor and Donna moments. While I don't think "Accidentally In Love" was a great musical pick for these two, its still a good video.)

I loved their relationship because watching them, you get the feeling that in all of his 900 years, he had never met somebody like her before. To Donna, the Doctor wasn't this awe-inspiring being who was the destroyer of worlds or the oncoming storm. He was her friend who didn't back down from her temper, sassed her back, and needed to be knocked down a peg once in a while. 

You can often tell, just with his expressions, that she was unique in his world. He wasn't used to being sassed, talked back to, and looked at with anything but awe and admiration. And Donna had no problem doing all of the above. He didn't know what to make of her most of the time which made him appreciate her that much more. 

This made them so much fun to watch. (And relate to... Or is that just me?)