Since matters of love are giving me heartburn lately and, here I am all out of Tums, lets discuss something else, shall we?
As many of the girls in the room shudder (and one does a lovely dramatic faint) at the topic, I say "oh shut it!"
Sports are not my forte, never have been. Given the chance to watch a football game on Sunday or read a book, 10 times out of 10 you'll find me with my nose buried between those pages and in my own little world... but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a game when I have to.
I was in the marching band and pep band all four years of high school and then in college so I have participated in my fair share of football and basketball heckling. I have yelled ridiculous things to get a player to miss a free throw (my proudest pep band moment was making a player miss when I yelled "your shoes are pretty!!") and spelled out "bra" when we needed our defensive line to hold 'em... But I don't think sports are the thing worth living for.
Not hating on those who do, I just don't get it.
Unless you're talking rugby, then I totally understand. Rugby is a culture all on its own, based on the love of the game and being around others who feel the same way. Ruggers will spend 80 minutes tackling their own teammates who are playing with the other team because the other team didn't have enough players for a game... Then eat, drink, and mingle with that same opposing team like they were family.
I totally didn't mean to make this a rugby thing, sorry. Back to the topic.*
Now, I have no idea where I was going with this... ummm
When it comes to watching them on the t.v. or actually going to them, being there in the crowd wins, hands down (Except golf. They tend to frown on napping on the green and that's all watching golf is good for). The energy, the comradery of the fans, the hotdogs and beer, and the fact that everybody from Dad to Preacher Dan to Grandma can act like they have Turrets and nobody will look at them twice, all make for a unique experience that you will never be able to find anywhere else on earth.
I like being in the stands, or on the sidelines, or at the concession stand getting a beer and screaming for the player to run or shoot or block like my support and advice is going to affect how well or poorly they play. Plus, it's always fun to see the surprise on the stranger's face next to you when you scream something like "support!" "ball's out!" and "ruck!" and actually know what's going on.
Now that we're all confused as to what this was supposed to be about, let me offer some advice that you will gradually notice as a theme to this blog:
Somethings might be labeled as a "guy thing", sports being one of them, but it doesn't mean you, as a lady, have to shy away from them. Hell, you might even discover that you like watching sports, be it hockey, water polo, or quidditch. If you try it and don't like it, that's cool too. No judgements here since I'm probably just reading a book while there's a game on somewhere.
*Contact Puffy if you are interested in learning more or want to join a team. Rugby: the hooligan's sport played by gentlemen. Plug over.